Friday, August 17, 2012

Dress-up Cape's

Way back in February I told my cute little 4 year old granddaughter that I'd make her a warm cape to go with her new dress-up dress that I made for her birthday. I have been very slow about getting this done, and she would never complain or even bug me about it, so I felt like a bit of a heel.
Finally, I sat myself down at the sewing machine and eeked it out. It really didn't take all that long, but I just had kept putting it off for one reason or another.
I ended up making it out of white minky fabric, which mimics a fur type of feeling and then I put a animal print ribbon around the whole thing, giving it a royal touch.
 So this is a childs version of a fur cloak.
 Very soft and princessy.
 The prince also tries it on, and will follow directions to put up the hood so we can see it. Good job.
 Meanwhile, I told the older Granddaughter that when I was done with her sisters, she would receive a different type of cape.

Fashioned after the ballet Cinderella's cape, I made one with a fun neckline.
It splays out into a fan shape and hopefully will stay up around her neck. Made from lightweight sequin fabric.
 Sparkley and fun I'd say. Time to play dress-up!

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