Sunday, February 6, 2011

Our Yellow Girl

My DD kinda does colors for her children. For instance, her first born has a yellow nursery, (along with the black and white things that will always stay in the nursery). Her #2 daughter has added lavender to the nursery and also has more accessories in the light purple that is lavender. Look at the previous post to see this little angel in a light lavender tutu.
Well, #1's 2nd birthday came and it is time to take a picture in a little yellow dress for the family wall.
Katz wanted a simple little dress/jumper, with a couple pleats down the front.
This is what we came up with.
I like the curved yoke, and I just drew it onto the top of the pleats and cut it out with a seam allowance.  I used to think there was no way I could do something like that, but after seeing how many novice sewers on blogs don't use any pattern at all, I figured I can make up a few things. And it worked.
The Hubby shot lots of cute pix. Good job hun.